Little Free Library #1
In 2022, the Braithwaite Foundation is proud to have purchased the official sheds for six Little Free Libraries. The first Little Free Library (LFL) was set up at the Women & Teens Medical Center in North Miami Beach, Florida. Dr. Braithwaite and his wife, Mrs. Anne Marie Braithwaite, are keeping LFL #1 stocked with parenting books for new moms and dads, board books appropriate for babies and toddlers, and novels for teens and young adults in order to reach the target audience of readers that visit the medical center. Little Free Library #1 has been dedicated in loving memory to Dr. David Agorvor.
Little Free Libraries #2-4
Little Free Libraries #2-4 were donated to schools in Barbados, Dr. Sylvester Braithwaite’s birthplace. The Little Free Library locations in Barbados include Reynold Weekes Primary School, St. Martin School, and Deacons Primary School. Dr. Heather Brathwaite is a co-steward of LFLs in Barbados and she is phenomenal at spreading the word to recruit help for getting a flow of books going to Barbados. Dr. Heather Braithwaite and her brother helped Dr. and Mrs. Braithwaite distribute books to the Little Free Library located at St. Martin School when they returned to Barbados in October for the 7th Annual Barbados Jazz and Golf Festival. For more information about the upcoming 8th Annual Barbados Jazz and Golf Festival, please visit barbadosjazzexcursion.com

Little Free Library #5 & #6
Little Free Library #5 was set up in Roatán, Honduras. Valerie Benn and the James Family of Flowers Bay Roatán were recruited as co-stewards to help maintain LFL #5 since they have family members that live in Flowers Bay and they are consistently connected to the community. Little Free Library #6 has been given to Atala Montessori School for Creative Expression in Homestead, Florida. The children of the Homestead school community recently painted the LFL and it will be registered on the official LFL website in early 2023.
Thank You
There are many stories to tell about the six Little Free Libraries that have been initiated by the Braithwaite Foundation in 2022. But none of the libraries would have been possible without your support. THANK YOU! And just a reminder. A Little Free Library established in a community belongs to everyone— Anyone can use it. Anyone can donate a book to it or take a book from it. The libraries belong to you. Please support Little Free Libraries in your community or in places where you travel. Always pack a book. After you’ve read it, donate it in any Little Free Library book-sharing box, or pass it on to a friend. Be a friend of all libraries, big and small. Share books whenever you can. Thank you for being a part of our best of 2022. YOU are the BEST! Much love and best wishes from The Braithwaite Foundation.

Got Books?
The Braithwaite Foundation is always in need of new or gently used books to help stock the Little Free Libraries that we set up in Florida, Barbados, and Roatán. If you have gently used books that you would like to donate, please contact Anne Marie Braithwaite at [email protected]
No books, no problem. You can still support The Braithwaite Foundation’s Little Free Library project.
- You can donate funds to The Braithwaite Foundation using Zelle with the foundation’s email address: [email protected] In the Zelle memo, please note “LFL Book Dollars.” The LFL Book Dollars will be used to purchase books and cover shipping costs associated with book distribution.
- You can order board books appropriate for babies and toddlers and have the books shipped directly from your favorite online bookstore to Women & Teens Healthcare Attn. Anne Marie Braithwaite 16876 NE 19th Ave, North Miami Beach, FL 33162.